Cancel Savings Plans


Hello, I have an active saving plan for a server on EC2, but I would like to deactivate my server, but my saving plan will remain active, I contacted them, and it is not possible to cancel. I asked them what the cost of maintaining an active saving plan was, and they couldn't even tell me that, not even an average. I'm going to attach a printout of my expenses here, could anyone help me know how much I'm going to pay just to keep this savings plan active without any linked service? Thanks.! Spending in February 2024

asked 3 months ago265 views
1 Answer

As you stated, Savings Plans are a commitment and cannot be cancelled. If your Savings Plan was partial upfront or no upfront, then you will continue to pay what you have been paying for the Savings Plan since you purchased it. If the Savings Plan is all upfront, then there should be no additional fees. You can see a listing of your savings plans in the Billing Console on the left panel under Savings Plan -> Inventory.

To see what you are spending on the Savings Plan, you can find them listed in the Billing Console under Bills (look at Jan 2024 for example) in the tab Charges by service, the Savings Plan(s) will be listed as Savings Plans for AWS Compute usage.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago

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