Error establishing SSH connection to your instance.


I can't connect to my EC2 instance after attaching a new volume (from a snapshot). Please advise. Thank you.

asked 2 years ago2935 views
2 Answers

Hi, @OnFleek.

You should refer to the following article to get the detailed error message and troubleshoot.

Once you know the cause, use the serial console or EC2 Rescue to solve the problem.

profile picture
answered 2 years ago
  • Linux instance. I am following these instructions and everything is looking fine. The original problem accessing my site happened when I attached a new volume to it. It was during that troubleshooting that I discovered that I could no longer connect to my instance. Could they be related?

  • @OnFleek.

    Yes, I think they are related.
    Please share the error when connecting.


"Error establishing a database connection" when trying to access site.

"Failed to connect to your instance. Error establishing SSH connection to your instance. Please wait and try again later." when trying to connect to my instance.

answered 2 years ago

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