Next image doesnt appear in Ground truth labelling


Hi I am using groundtruth labelling to label my images. I am facing an issue at the workers end that next image doesnt appear at their screen even when they submit a label on an image. Kindly guide me how to resolve this issue. Thanks

asked a year ago298 views
3 Answers

Check if there are any errors or warnings in the job details page. and then ensure that the job settings are configured properly. Check if the "Maximum number of objects per image" and "Minimum number of objects per image" settings are set correctly. If these settings are not configured properly, it may cause issues with the next image appearing. If the worker has not finished labeling the previous image, the next image will not appear. Ask the worker to complete the previous image and submit the label.

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answered a year ago

Thanks for your reply I am using the signle image labelling task to label my image. So when i select the single label and press submit. It should proceed to the next image. I have removed the old images, changed their name and uploaded, if this could be the problem, but it didnt worked even. So the problem is still there. While no error is shown in the job labelling window. Please suggest me the possible reasons of this error. Regards

answered a year ago

Hi, I am still looking for the solution of my problem. Would be grateful if anyone can help me out on it. Thanks

answered a year ago

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