Storage Gateway


Hello There, We providioned and deployed the Storage Gatway EC2 instance using the following Image (ami-072026a4ba2172a62) and when i trying to setup the storage gatway and i cant able to access it through the browser and Also, When i try to setup S3 File gateway using Customize your settings option the from the browser its not detecting the storage gatway, all the ports are opened but still we cant able to access the instance by browser. Appreciate your help in this regards.

asked 9 months ago241 views
1 Answer

I had deployed the storag gateway ec2 instance using the image "ami-072026a4ba2172a62" Unable to access Storag Gateway from the browser after the setup. When i tried to created the Amazon S3 File Gateway, using the option as Customize your settings, I cant able to find the storage Gateway. Also, I had allowed all the traffic from Security group but still its not working.

answered 9 months ago

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