domain activation / routing policy


Hello, I acquired a domain with "Route 53" which seems to be active and operational since in "Requests" it is with status "Successful" and it is listed in "Registered domains". In "Hosted zones" I created a record "www".domain, type A towards an IP with an already operative site (as a test) and a CNAME towards a url also operative but none of them resolves. What steps can I follow to verify where a setting is missing or incorrectly set, thank you very much in advance.

asked 4 months ago186 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer
  1. Open your Route53 Public Zone in Route53
  2. Take a note of the 4 NS Server Records
  3. Following these instructions, remove ALL existing NS records from your Domain
  4. Add the 4 NS Servers from Step 2
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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • Great, it work strait away. Now I'm getting a 404 error but from the domain side, it's working. Curious that AWS set different NS for the domain and for a hosted zones. Lesson learned! Thanks!!


Ensure that you adhered to the proper DNS domain name format when setting up your records.

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answered 4 months ago
  • Thanks for your answer Osvaldo. Yes it is. The domain only use letter of the English alphabet (6 letters) and end in ".com".


Update the domain glue records to point to the name servers in your route53 zone.

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answered 4 months ago
  • Hi Gary, I have not touched or edited the records that AWS automatically adjusts. I just add two. Thanks for your reply.

  • Did that fix your problem?

  • Be sure to have the 4 from your zone and remove the others.

  • I don't touch the one that AWS set from the beginning (NS and SOA) and I add the A one and the CNAME. But still can't resolve my domain thru browser.

  • Make sure you enter all 4 NS records as the glue records and delete anything hint AWS set on your domain.

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