EC2 Auto Scaling group - Spot default maximum price when using multiple instance types


If creating an Auto Scaling group with multiple instance types, the documentation states: "If you don't specify a maximum price, the default maximum price is the On-Demand price, but you still receive the steep discounts provided by Spot Instances."

Is the default price the On-Demand price of the instance type that will be spun up? Or is it the highest/lowest/other On-Demand price of instance types in the ASG?

asked 4 years ago835 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Max-price is set to the On-Demand price of the instance type the ASG launches per instance. So if the ASG launches a c4.large, that instance will be launched with the Max-price set to the On-Demand price of c4.large. Then if it launches an m4.large, Max-price for that instance is set to the On-Demand price of m4.large, etc. etc.

answered 4 years ago

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