Does DMS support Oracle Logical Standby hosted on EC2 as source for full load and CDC migration to AWS RDS?


Does DMS support oracle logical standby hosted on EC2 as source for full load and CDC migration to RDS supported target engines. If this is supported configuration, are there any gotchas/limitations to use Oracle logical standby as source for DMS for full load and CDC?

1 Answer


Our docs go into this a bit further but AWS DMS currently supports only Oracle Active Data Guard Standby and you will need to use Binary Reader in DMS as LogMiner will not work.

For this workflow stepIf you perform CDC using LogMiner, do thisIf you perform CDC using Binary Reader, do this
Configure Oracle Standby as a source for CDC.AWS DMS doesn't support Oracle Standby as a source.See Using a self-managed Oracle Standby as a source with Binary Reader for CDC in AWS DMS.
answered 21 days ago
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reviewed 9 days ago

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