Route HTTP to HTTPS elastic beanstalk load balancer



Using this link as a guide

I added an AWS "classic" load balancer to an existing elastic beanstalk environment (accepted default load balance settings); the listener was updated to include https on port 443 with an AWS provided SSL certificate.

After applying these settings, the website is only available as (the https url is does not accept a browser request). What additional configuration might be needed to enable SSL/TLS? The doesnt indicate if additional configuration is needed...

Ideas appreciated

asked 2 years ago987 views
2 Answers

To get https "working" for a website, e.g.

The following broad strokes were followed

referenced this youtube video (very clear instructions/steps)

Here are the instructions that I extracted from the video and successfully implemented:


  1. domain exists
  2. ssl certificate exists

-> Created Environment using Elastic Beanstalk

(you could do this without beanstalk, but for someone that is not an AWS dev ops person, this might a better choice)

. add your application, in my case, application exists in a jar file - to uploaded that jar

-> Configure environment selecting "custom configuration" -> this moves you out of the free tier

-> Configure instances / processes

. select your processor (I set to nano)

. select your instance count (I set to one)

-> Configure "application load balancer". Change the following . port 443, protocol HTTPS, . select certificate you created earlier . selected random "ssl policy"

-> Create "Environment Process". Change the following . name "SSL" can be anything . port 443 . protocol HTTPS

Configure "Route 53" DNS. Change the following

  • Add A record . reference "application load balancer"

Configure EC2. Change the following: -> configure application load balancer . update "listener" tab "traffic from website/client goes across https" and is decrypted/encryted using the application load balancer

Edit port 80 . delete "forwarding entry" . add a redirect entry . protocol "HTTPS" . port "443"

That worked for me

answered 2 years ago

Hello, it's great to see that you have successfully configured your HTTPS site. I'd also like to thank you for returning to explain the solution for anyone else who may face this issue in the future.

This AWS document also explains the ALB listener rule configuration that you've summarized. This may come in handy for yourself or others in future endeavors.

answered 2 years ago

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