Install NVIDIA gaming drivers on G5 instance


Hello, I tried to setup me VM for cloud gaming on a G5.xlarge instance, I have followed the instructions on

and on the last step I have to make sure that in the nvidia smi file:

vGPU Software Licensed Product Product Name : NVIDIA Cloud Gaming License Status : Licensed (Expiry: N/A)

But the name is not changed to NVIDIA Cloud Gaming, its still the default one, and I already installed the driver and restarted the VM. Any idea's how to fix it?

asked 9 months ago508 views
1 Answer

The blog Building a high-performance Windows workstation on AWS for graphics intensive applications may help.

It uses CloudFormation to automate entire setup, and the blog example use a g5.xlarge instance type.

Just tried it and was able to get the output

PS C:\Users\Administrator> C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvgrid*\nvidia-smi.exe -q
    GPU Virtualization Mode
        Virtualization Mode               : Pass-Through
        Host VGPU Mode                    : N/A
    vGPU Software Licensed Product
        Product Name                      : NVIDIA Cloud Gaming
        License Status                    : Licensed (Expiry: N/A)
answered 9 months ago

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