Domain Website Not avaialble : Domain Name Server Updated according to Light Sail Nameserver


Hi folks,

I have created 3 instances on Light sail also assign static Ip for those instances.

Secondly, I've added name server to domain registar as well. for all 3 domains unfortunately domain is opening.

buyerassistances. com

these are the domains that I have added in light sail

please check from your hand its been entire week domain is not up, I don't know why

looking forward to your solution


1 Answer

Looking at the DNS records via dig command, I am not seeing responses. I do see AWS nameservers in the WHOIS records.

I would double check that you have setup the Name Servers correctly at your domains current DNS hosting and that you have the correct 4 nameservers for each domain. If you mix them up they will not work. Also make sure that the DNS zones still exist and have entries on the Lightsail side. If you delete them and recreate them the nameservers are likely to change, so again, make sure they are correct.

The page below provides the necessary information to complete this.

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago

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