Inquiry Regarding IKEv2 Support for Site-to-Site VPN Connections on AWS


Dear AWS Support Team, I am currently in the process of setting up a VPN tunnel using site-to-site VPN connections on AWS. Specifically, I am interested in utilizing IKEv2 for compatibility with our customer's Cisco ASA 5500 series firewall, which operates on software version 9.x.

As per our understanding, Cisco ASA 9.x.x Firewalls support IKEv2 for establishing VPN connections. However, upon attempting to download the configuration for the aforementioned setup from AWS, I couldn't locate the appropriate configuration files.

Could you kindly confirm whether AWS supports IKEv2 for site-to-site VPN connections, particularly for compatibility with Cisco ASA 5500 series firewalls running on software version 9.x? If so, could you provide guidance on how to obtain the necessary configuration files for this setup?

Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Yes, AWS site-to-site VPN supports IKEv2:

You can download an example configuration from the console by clicking on "Download Configuration" then choosing "Cisco Systems Inc", "ASA 5500 Series", "ASA 9.7+ VTI" and "Ikev2".

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago
profile picture
reviewed 17 days ago
profile picture
reviewed a month ago
  • This was really helpful. Thanks @Brettski-AWS

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago
  • The post you provided talks about ikev1, which is not relevant to my query. please reconsider the query and help me with this. thanks

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