My sitemap.xml thats on my Lightsail wordpress site is suddenly pointing to foreign scam sites - How can I fix this?


My sitemap.xml thats on my Lightsail wordpress site is suddenly pointing to foreign scam sites - How can I fix this?

None of my actual pages appear in the sitemap:

I have tried the following:

  • Installed AIO, Yoast and a few other sitemap.xml plugins - sitemap.xml - It doesn't overwrite the sitemap.xml with the toggle on and off.
  • Search for sitemap.xml in Filezilla connecting to the root location of my Bitnami instance in Lightsail - Nothing comes up
  • Turned off Lightsail to see if something else is hijacking the link and redirecting it
asked 9 months ago239 views
1 Answer

This sound like your wordpress site may have been hacked, I would suggest from your description that you find someone with experience in Wordpress and especially wordpress security to help here.

AWS do have native security tools that can help with protecting your infrastructure prior to a security event occurring and I can highly recommend taking a look at AWS WAF to help protect your wordpress installation

Barry M
answered 8 months ago

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