Amazon EC2 - (Linux Instance) - sudo yum update (curl error 28 - Timeout was reached )


I connected to an amazon EC2 linux instance using SSH client. In order to update the VM, I mentioned the sudo yum update command but gives a curl error 28. In order to resolve the error I have done the following:

  1. Internet gateway in the subnet is open.
  2. I used the following linux commands : a. rm -rf \var\cache\y b. rm -rf \var\cache\yum c. Then tried to update it again using sudo yum update
  3. I have opened the port 80, 22 and 443 in inbound and outbound rules and also custom TCP port in outbound rules
  4. To check if the EC2 instance has an active connection, did the following: a. ping command b. got the following response : PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. client_loop: send disconnect: Connection reset (Seems like a temporary connection)
  5. Used a different mirror : a. sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/amazonlinux.repo b. replaced the mirror list in the file with the availability zone mirror eg : c. sudo yum clean all d. sudo yum update

I have tried all the above solutions but I keep getting the same error i.e., curl error 28. Amazon Linux 2023 repository 0.0 B/s | 0 B 06:00 Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'amazonlinux':

Please suggest how to resolve the error.

asked a year ago1824 views
1 Answer
  • Check to make sure no Network ACLs are blocking
  • Set the outbound rule on the security group to wide open
  • curl instead of ping.
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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