Changing lower_case_table_names from 1 to 0 on Aurora MySql v. 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.11.2


We are currently running Aurora MySql v. 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.11.2 in a global cluster with lower_case_table_names set to 1. We will have to upgrade it to Aurora 3 with MySql 8, and this setting will cause us problems during the upgrade. Namely, there will be no "in-place" upgrade path. Also, upgrade will involve restoring from snapshot, increasing the upgrade time and complexity significantly. Therefore:

Is it possible to change lower_case_table_names to 0 before upgrading to Aurora 3?

The application will work fine regardless of lower_case_table_names being 0 or 1, we have tested it exhaustively.

I'd greatly appreciate any suggestion or guidance.

asked 3 months ago84 views
1 Answer

Hello wwinogrodzki,

Given that you need to change this setting before upgrading to Aurora 3 with MySQL 8, and considering the limitation of not having an "in-place" upgrade path when modifying this setting, here's a general approach you could consider:

  1. Create a New Cluster: Set up a new Aurora MySQL 5.7 cluster with lower_case_table_names set to 0 from the start. This ensures the new cluster starts with your desired configuration.
  2. Export and Import Data: Migrate your data from the existing cluster to the new one. This process typically involves exporting the data (e.g., using mysqldump) and then importing it into the new cluster. Pay special attention to table names to ensure they conform to the new case sensitivity rules.
  3. Test the Application: Since you mentioned the application works fine with either setting, thoroughly test it against the new cluster to ensure there are no unforeseen issues.
  4. Upgrade to Aurora 3: Once you've confirmed that the new cluster with lower_case_table_names set to 0 is working correctly, you can proceed with the upgrade to Aurora 3 with MySQL 8. Follow the recommended practices for upgrading, including taking and restoring from snapshots if necessary.

How can I upgrade my Amazon Aurora MySQL DB cluster to a new version? by AWS

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answered 2 months ago

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