Aws cli associate web acl to cloudfront error


I try to associate web acl to cloudfront but I've error. Where I wrong? Thank You:

aws waf-regional associate-web-acl --web-acl-id 00a15d51-c2f1-65ca-89f2-e3fe95525557fe --resource-arn aws:cloudfront::84540000050:distribution/E5ZISDGFSGEUXCTH6


An error occurred (WAFNonexistentItemException) when calling the AssociateWebACL operation: The referenced item does not exist.

asked 5 years ago762 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

likely cause might be the arn seems incorrect.

should be in the format:
I think you are missing the arn part at the beginning.

answered 5 years ago

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