VPC interface endpoint selection


if you place an interface endpoint in multiple AZ's but there is only one consumer from single AZ, what happens by default, does traffic round robin between both AZ's causing cross AZ traffic?

Related to this, when creating a VPC should both DNS resolution and Hostnames be enabled and in the VPC endpoint creation should "Enable Private DNS name" be enabled?

What happens if for instance only VPC DNS resolution is enabled (which I think is default), does traffic still go PrivateLink?

asked 10 months ago314 views
2 Answers
profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
  • regional so I think it will load balance between AZ's and not prefer based on source AZ and failover to other AZ in case of failure

Accepted Answer

Correct. It uses either ENI which could incur cross-AZ cost.

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago

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