Help Server Amazon Singapore, Zone A (ap-southeast-1a) Down


we the users would like to inform you that the server I created is experiencing a disruption, which is currently in the process of being repaired.

  1. (Wordpress AWS Singapore Region, Zone A ap-southeast-1a)
  2. I have tried and waited but no change at the moment. still Down for 9 hours, 52 minutes

I am accessing the terminal in lightsail my terminal is black.

please fix it asap. Thank you. taufiq setiawan

lightsail Terminal

asked 5 months ago149 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


I checked the service health dashboard, and the Lightsail service itself does not appear to be experiencing any problems.

Can I connect using an SSH client or something other than from Lightsail's console?
Also, are there any errors output when connecting using an SSH client?

profile picture
answered 5 months ago
profile picture
reviewed 5 months ago
  • In some cases, you may need to create a snapshot of Lightsail and use the startup script to change firewall settings or start SSH.

    sudo ufw disable
    sudo iptables -F
    sudo mv /etc/hosts.deny /etc/hosts.deny_backup
    sudo touch /etc/hosts.deny
    sudo systemctl enable sshd
    sudo systemctl restart sshd
  • this is me using the terminal on lighsail but me, not using the terminal on putty

  • To determine whether there is a problem with SSH or the browser, try connecting using an SSH client. For example, if there is a problem when connecting with SSH using putty, etc., the problem is with SSH, not Lightsail, so you can try restarting Lightsail or re-creating it from a snapshot.

  • Gives a very precise answer, I have successfully restored my website, by trying to create a new WP. and restore with Snapshosts. Thank you Kawan for helping me provide very useful information

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