Access services in a VPC through Site to Site VPN with remote office VPN connection


I set up a site to site VPN between an AWS VPC and a customer gateway device in the office. I'm able to access the services in the VPC from office through the VPN tunnels. Now I want to enable the access for someone who works remotely connecting to the office VPN using OpenVPN client. The office VPN is using the same customer gateway device.

  1. My VPC route table has the following routes:

Destination | Target

VPC CIDR | local

Office CIDR | VGW


  1. My VPN Static Routes:

IP Prefixes | Status

Office CIDR

  1. I also added the office VPN CIDR to the VPC security group to allow inbound traffic.

But I still can't reach the services remotely via OpenVPN client. What configurations did I miss out?

1 Answer

Now I want to enable the access for someone who works remotely connecting to the office VPN using OpenVPN client.

What you want to do is connect to AWS with a VPN using OpenVPN client?
If the answer is yes, AWS Client VPN and Client VPN endpoint are required.
I hope the diagram below will help you understand, also please refer the AWS Client VPN document.
Getting started with AWS Client VPN


answered a month ago
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reviewed 18 days ago
  • I would like to access the ECS services in the VPC through the site to site VPN when I connect to the office VPN using OpenVPN client from home instead of setting up the AWS Client VPN. Is it possible? Thanks.

  • Yes, it is possible to access ECS services in your VPC through a Site-to-Site VPN when you connect to your office VPN using an OpenVPN client from home. To achieve this, you need to ensure that your office network and AWS VPC are correctly configured to allow traffic routing between them Home (OpenVPN Client) | v Office Network (OpenVPN Server + Firewall/Router) | v Site-to-Site VPN | v AWS VPC (ECS Services)

  • Thanks for the confirmation, Adeleke. I think the outstanding configuration is on the customer gateway device side to make it work.

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