Is it possible to show the user-defined cost allocation tags in the invoice


we're planning to group our linked accounts into different tags and I'm hoping we could show the cost allocation tags in the invoice so the finance team can manage them accordingly

asked 6 months ago262 views
2 Answers

Unfortunately, the cost allocation tags cannot be displayed on the invoice. The invoices cannot be customized, and they typically have the same structure - cost by service and by account (in case of multi-accuont setup). But as it was mentioned in the previous response, you can activate tags for cost allocation so they would appear on your billing reports, and in tools like Cost Explorer, or Cost and Usage Reports. You could then use data from those reports to provide additional breakdown for your finance/accounting team if required (e.g. so they could view cost by application, or cost by team / by business unit).

As for your other question regarding tagging linked accounts - while you can tag them in AWS Organizations console, this WILL NOT enable those tags for cost allocation (because the accounts themselves are a free resource and you don't pay anything for simply having an account). What I suggest using instead - the feature called AWS Cost Categories. It's a free feature which you can use on the Payer account in Organization, you can group your linked accounts into team, business units, or other categories, and then you'll be able to see these cost categories in tools like Cost Explorer or other billing reports. Note that this will still not change how your invoices look, it will only help you with the reporting. When you create Cost Categories, it takes about a day for them to start populating in the billing tools, and you can manage them from the Payer.

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago
  • Thank you for your response, Nataliya. That make sense. I guess my next question is if we updated the names of our accounts, eg. "Account(1111-11)" where the inside of the parenthesis is our cost code, will that show in our invoices for future invoices?

  • Yes, the new account names will be appearing on future invoices in that case. But if you want to update the actual account name - you can only do it in the Account Settings page of each individual account; there is no way to do it automatically; and to update an account name, you have to be logged in with root credentials - account root email & password. If that's the plan, then you can of course include the cost center into your account name (though, I'm not sure if you can use parentheses, you'll probably have to do something like "Account-1111-11" instead



I am not sure that those tags can appear on the bill itself.

But, they can appear on the console after you've enabled Cost Explorer, Budgets, AWS Cost and Usage Reports, or legacy reports. After you activate the AWS services, they appear on your cost allocation report. You can then use the tags on your cost allocation report to track your AWS costs. Tags are not applied to resources that were created before the tags were created.




profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago
  • Thanks for your response. Is it possible to tag linked accounts (not just the services/environments)? Someone tried but it wasn't working as expected.

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