App Runner Health Check fails although Application logs show already receiving the request.


I am trying to deploy a new App Runner service. I am using aws cli such that I can configure the health check to use HTTP. I make it to use HTTP and port 8080, and a custom path "health-check/". In my application logs, I will print the request received on this path and I am able to see it being printed, meaning I successfully received the request. The response I return is plain text "OK". But the service creation always fails with error

12-07-2022 01:04:51 AM [AppRunner] Health check on port '8080' failed. Service is rolling back. Check your configured port number. For more information, read the application logs. 12-07-2022 12:58:38 AM [AppRunner] Performing health check on path 'health-check/' and port '8080'. 12-07-2022 12:58:28 AM [AppRunner] Provisioning instances and deploying image for publicly accessible service. 12-07-2022 12:58:15 AM [AppRunner] Successfully pulled image from ECR. 12-07-2022 12:55:38 AM [AppRunner] Service status is set to OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS. 12-07-2022 12:55:38 AM [AppRunner] Service creation started.

asked 2 years ago421 views
3 Answers

Hi @rePost-User-3387005, I work for App Runner service team, can you please share the App Runner service ARN so we can look into it and share you some insights. Thanks

answered 2 years ago
  • Hi @Hari, thanks for responding. I don't want to share the ARN here in public for security concern. If you can provide an email address or private chat, I can share the ARN.


Hi @Hari, to provide more information, I managed to fix this issue by only doing one thing, that is changing my port from 8080 to 80. This plus that I can confirm my application can receive requests at 8080, making me think the 8080 port is blocked for egress data. Can you check with the AppRunner team whether that is the case and if yes why? thanks

answered 2 years ago
  • Hi, I work for App Runner service team and I can confirm we dont reserve any port. I think probably health check would have failed in 8080, after switching to right port (80) everything would have started working.


I am having the similar issue . Is this resolved . I tried both 8080 and 80 ports but no luck

answered a year ago

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