The entire AWS environment is very slow



The entire AWS environment is very slow since last week. Issues facing:

when i connect ec2 instances, its getting more time to login. I am unable to upload my files (500 mb) to S3 bucket since the transfer rate is 4 kbs. The estimated time shown 2 days. The lambda execution also very slow.

Note: we have 500 mbps direct connect line.

Please can someone help me to sort out this issue. I am desperately waiting to get the help on this. Kindly reply ASAP.

Thanks, Ragav

1 Answer

This seems to be something very strange and independent of the AWS control and data plane. Are you accessing from a corporate network? Is there traffic control or some type of scan? Recommend you to try from a different network and see if you experience the same behavior.

answered 4 months ago

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