Migrating catalog table to Aurora Mysql target


Hi, I have a source database in Aurora Mysql created in 2014. We enable binlogs in this instance to use the DMS service on June 20, 2020. I want to move some catalog tables from my source database to my target database(also an Aurora Mysql instance) but although the replication task works perfectly and no error logs are shown on CloudWatch related to the task, the table is not created at my target database. This catalog table hasn't been edited since 2014(before the date when we enable binlogs) so my guess is that there is a problem related to the available binlogs for that table( it hasn't been edited so it hasn't had binlogs related) so the DMS ignores the table. Also, I have tried:

  1. Creating a replication task with a table that has been edited after June 20. It works perfectly and the table is replicated to the target database.
  2. Creating a replication task for a table that doesn't exist at my source endpoint. I received the same behavior; the replication task works perfectly, no error logs are shown at CloudWatch and the table doesn't exist at the target database (This was the expected behavior but I would have expected that an error would have been triggered letting me know that the table didn't exist at the source endpoint.

Any thoughts at this behavior?

Edited by: fahernandez on Jul 2, 2020 5:02 PM

asked 4 years ago207 views
1 Answer

It was an error while giving permission to the source database user. When the source table in the database doesn't exists or doesn't have enough permission. the process will run successfully but the table won't be migrated.

answered 4 years ago

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