Bi directional replication between three buckets


I have setup bi directional replication between:

  • Bucket A and bucket B
  • Bucket A and bucket C

This is working as expected:

  • If I add an object to bucket A, it is replicated to both bucket B and C
  • If I add an object to either bucket B or C, the object is replicated to bucket A

However, when I add an object to bucket B, although it is replicated to bucket A, it is not replicated to bucket C.

Is it possible to setup this sort of bi directional replication, ie, B <-> A <-> C?


As a clarification, I was looking for some sort of transitive replication, ie, replicate object in C from B using A as an intermediary. That does not seem to be possible. As the answer below explains, we need to set bi directional replication between all buckets.

asked 8 months ago303 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


You have to use the replication toward multiple buckets from 1 source bucket as described in "Amazon S3 Replication Adds Support for Multiple Destination Buckets":

So, you will configure:

  • A -> B,C
  • B -> A,C
  • C -> B,C



profile pictureAWS
answered 8 months ago

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