AWS Certification account last name update - it's urgent


Hi, I want to schedule an AWS Certification exam and I am trying to create a new AWS Certification Account but it is showing to mandatorily fill a last name and it must be match with my ID proof. I don't have last name in my ID proof. Please let me know what should i fill in the last name section. I raised few cases in AWS support also ( regarding this matter but i didn't get any update. Since I don't have last name in my ID proof. Could you please help me in getting an update on what I should fill in the last name section.

Thanks in advance!

asked 4 months ago152 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Your situation appears to be captured by

  • If you only have a first name or last name, please add a period (“.”) to the empty first or last name field when creating your AWS Training and Certification account.
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answered 4 months ago


Use a hyphen or space: You can try entering a hyphen or a space in the last name field if the system allows it. For example, if your name is John Doe and your ID only shows "John," you can try entering "John -" or "John " in the last name field.

Use your first name: If the system doesn't accept special characters like hyphens or spaces, you can try entering your first name in both the first name and last name fields. This way, your full name will be the same in both fields.

Remember to ensure that whatever you enter in the last name field matches the information on your ID proof as closely as possible to avoid any issues during the certification process.

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answered 4 months ago

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