CICD Unit Testing For Serverless Lambda Backend Code


I have a CodeCommit repo that houses all resources for the backend part of my app. From API Gateway to Cognito to Lambda, everything is deployed from this repo, which is mostly written in terraform but the lambda functions are written in Python. Every dev has their own branch and we all push to a common branch called dev. Merging with dev puts the pipeline in motion and changes to deployments happens.

Currently there's no manual approval of PRs to merge with dev, but I will like to at least make sure all the unittest are passing before merging can go through to dev. How do I achieve this?

asked 4 months ago190 views
1 Answer


Why not try using the architectures featured on the AWS Blog?
To give you a quick overview, you can catch events with EventBridge based on the pull request action to a branch, run CodeBuild, and perform tests.
I thought it would be a good idea to check the results of this test before merging.

I think this blog will also be helpful.

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answered 4 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 4 months ago

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