My Instance Has Suddenly Failed Whilst Running & No Changes Made to Production


Dear Team,

We are unable to track in our logs the reason why our website was not functioning correctly in the morning. We have checked our domain, our SSL certification as well as our database and we have no information in our logs.

What we were seeing is that the pass check instance was failing, and even after restarting the services the same was still failing. We had to manually reset everything, post which the server began functioning normally. The instance was running by itself, no changes were made to production but then all of a sudden the instance stopped working and the data stopped reflecting on the site.

Kindly let us know what was the issue and how do we avoid the same in the future. Also is there a check we can put in place so that we don't encounter this issue again.


asked 2 years ago259 views
1 Answer

We (users on this forum - even the AWS staff) aren't able to provide troubleshooting services or insights into why specific customer resources do (or did!) specific things. Luckily, our premium support team are exactly the people who can do that!

Please create a support case and the team can help you out.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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