uploaded media file got very slow buffered streaming


I uploaded a media file on S3 with .exe and other supported file as its an interactive video media file. It was running very smooth until last 2 months. It buffers a lot while playback, even after every 2-3 seconds. Not sure why its happening. I have checked my internet speed and its good 200mbps. Tried with different machines and locations but same issue.

asked 2 years ago476 views
1 Answer

Hi AWS-User-6219742,

A extremely common reason that could cause slowdown when streaming a video from a S3 bucket is the size of the video in the bucket. Most original videos tend to be larger in size than necessary, so optimizing the video may help. Also using Amazon Cloudfront in conjunction with a S3 bucket is known to improve video streaming. 
Here are some resources that could help:
answered 2 years ago

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