How to Minimize SageMaker Costs during Development


SageMaker Billing

I'm currently in the development stage of an application and utilizing a SageMaker endpoint for my model container. The model that im doing inference on is pretty GPU memory heavy and I've just found that even when I'm not running inference GPU memory utilization is a consistent 40% on the ml.g4dn.2xlarge instance type.

I assume that my model is loaded into memory even when i'm not testing, running inference, which is why the cost is so high. How do i minimize cost or load the model into memory only when i'm actively testing it so that its not a constant resource drain.

Id ideally like the endpoint to remain inservice only when i am testing inferences and not just stand idle racking up a huge bill.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Managing costs and resource utilization in AWS SageMaker can be an important part of maintaining an efficient and cost-effective machine learning infrastructure. Here are several strategies you could consider to minimize costs associated with GPU memory utilization:

  1. Use Endpoint Autoscaling: You can set up autoscaling for your SageMaker endpoint to automatically scale the number of instances based on the load. This way, you can minimize the number of instances during idle times.

  2. Endpoint On-Demand: You can create a mechanism to start and stop the endpoint on-demand. When you need to use the model for inference, you can start the endpoint, and once you're done, you can shut it down. This can be done through the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or by using the SageMaker SDK.

  3. Model Unloading: If you're using a custom container for your model, you can implement logic to unload the model from GPU memory after a certain period of inactivity. However, this might make the initial inference slower as the model will have to be loaded back into memory.

  4. Optimize Model Size: If possible, optimize your model to reduce its size. This could mean using a more efficient model architecture, applying model compression techniques, or using quantization to reduce the precision of the weights.

  5. Use Spot Instances: For non-production or testing workloads, consider using Amazon EC2 Spot Instances as your SageMaker endpoint instances. Spot Instances can significantly reduce the cost but they come with the risk that they can be terminated by AWS with short notice when the capacity is needed elsewhere.

  6. Implement a Queue System: Create a queue system where inference requests are batched and processed together. You can start the endpoint when there are enough requests to justify having the endpoint in service.

  7. Monitor Utilization Metrics: Use CloudWatch to monitor your SageMaker endpoint's GPU utilization metrics. Set up alarms to notify you when usage is low so you can make decisions about scaling down or turning off the endpoint.

  8. Use Elastic Inference: If your use case allows, you can attach just the right amount of GPU-powered inference acceleration to your endpoint with Amazon SageMaker Elastic Inference, which can be more cost-effective than using a full GPU instance.

  9. Choose the Right Instance Type: Ensure that you are indeed using the most cost-effective instance type for your use case. Sometimes a different instance type might offer better cost optimization for similar performance.

  10. Use Multi-Model Endpoints: If you are using multiple models, consider using multi-model endpoints in SageMaker, which allow you to deploy multiple models to a single endpoint. This can be more cost-effective as you're utilizing the resources more efficiently.

Each of these strategies has trade-offs between cost, performance, and convenience. The best approach depends on your specific use case and the importance of latency, throughput, and cost-efficiency for your application.

Drew D
answered 7 months ago
  • Thanks Drew, ill probably work on optimizing the model size I can use a smaller instance and also experiment with model unloading logic for the container versus endpoint on-demand

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