Experiencing slowness while accessing SageMaker


Hi AWS, the SageMaker users are experiencing slowness when accessing artifactory in their notebook instances. Can you please help with what are the reasons behind this?

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asked 10 months ago192 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

There could be several reasons why you're experiencing slowness when accessing Artifactory from your SageMaker notebook instances. Here are a few possibilities:

  • Network Latency: If your SageMaker instances and Artifactory server are located in different regions, the network latency could cause slowness. You might want to consider deploying your SageMaker instances and Artifactory server in the same region, if possible.
  • Resource Constraints: If your SageMaker instances or Artifactory server are under-provisioned (i.e., they don't have enough CPU, memory, or network bandwidth), they could become slow under heavy load. You might want to monitor the resource usage of your instances and server to see if they're hitting their limits.
  • Concurrent Connections: If there are too many concurrent connections to the Artifactory server, it could become slow. You might want to consider scaling up your Artifactory server or implementing connection pooling.
  • Large Files: If you're dealing with large files, the time it takes to transfer these files could cause slowness. You might want to consider compressing your files before transferring them, or using a faster transfer protocol.
  • DNS Resolution: If DNS resolution is slow, it could cause slowness when accessing the Artifactory server. You might want to consider using IP addresses instead of hostnames, or using a faster DNS resolver.

To diagnose the issue, you might want to run some network diagnostics (like ping, traceroute, or mtr) from your SageMaker instances to your Artifactory server. You might also want to look at the logs of your Artifactory server to see if there are any error messages or warnings.

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answered 10 months ago

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