Performance Insights and MySQL 5.7.22



I have a MySQL RDS DB on MySQL 5.7.22. I'd like to enable Performance Insights on it. Looking here: I see that I need to enable several parameters in my parameter group. So, I created a new Parameter Group. I used 'mysql5.7' as the Parameter Group Family.

I found 'performance_schema' in the newly-created Paramater Group no problem and set it to 1, but I don't see any of the 'performance-schema' parameters mentioned in the docs:


As far as I can tell, I can't add a parameter to a Parameter Group that isn't there; only modify the ones that are.

After assigning the Parameter Group and a restart of the DB, I was able to enable Performance Insights but only in the reduced mode mentioned here: , where the Waits table isn't fully fleshed out.

Does anyone know how I can enable these parameters on my DB so that Performance Insights runs in full mode?

asked 5 years ago979 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


In order to enable performance insights you will need to modify the instance and enable the option for it. When you enable performance insights, the performance-schema parameters are automatically set for you. The parameters which you are trying to modify are managed by RDS and cannot be modified by the user.

Kindly note that performance insights is not supported on the following DB instances classes: db.t2.micro, db.t2.small, db.t3.micro and db.t3.small.

Kind regards

answered 5 years ago

Performance insights are also not supported on databases instance type db.t3.medium.

answered 9 months ago

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