Elastic beanstalk next.js application's health status become warning


Hi, My next.js application is working fine in elastic bean stalk, but yesterday the status changed from OK to WARNING.. but application is working fine.. any idea why its happening.

WARN Environment health has transitioned from Ok to Warning. 1 out of 1 instances are impacted. See instance health for details.


asked 2 years ago336 views
1 Answer



When the status of your Elastic Beanstalk environment changes from "OK" to "WARNING," it indicates that there is a potential issue or a degradation in the health of your environment.

Warning (yellow)

This status is displayed when:

  • The health agent is reporting a moderate number of request failures or other issues for an instance or environment.
  • An operation is in progress on an instance and is taking a very long time.
  • When an instance fails health checks at least three times in any one-minute period, Elastic Beanstalk may downgrade the health of the environment.

One unhealthy instance can cause Elastic Beanstalk to display an informational message or to change the environment's health status from green (OK) to yellow (Warning).

For a step by step guide that provide information about recent changes in health status: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/health-enhanced-console.html

answered a year ago

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