Source control for RDS MS SQL Server


Hello, I'm looking for a recommendation for a Source control solution for a team of 5-10 developers that works well with RDS MS SQL Server. Thanks.

asked 2 years ago429 views
2 Answers

Not sure what do you mean by Source Control for RDS. For example if you are using Visual Studio you can create a DB project and commit the sql files exactly as if you commit the rest of your CS files. As a source control you can use AWS CodeCommit service. It is compatible with Git

answered 2 years ago

Hello , If I understand your question correctly, you are looking to collaborate as a team and push changes to MSSQL infrastructure as a CICD basis. If that is correct AWS CodeCommit would be your best bet. Take a look into below URL for more details.

If otherwise, working with Visual studio Code + GIT based source control would be your options.

answered 2 years ago
  • Thank you. I have read about limitations of using Visual Studio as a SQL source control method. Ideally I would like to use something similar to Redgate's SQL Source Control product, but it requires more permissions than are available w/ RDS. Is there a way to integrate SSMS with CodeCommit? I didn't see an obvious method in the article.

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