SNS Text Message: Phone carrier has blocked this message


Use case description: We keep getting failure delivery status for Text Messages, so please increase the limits for the same or let me know is there any other steps I need to take to resolve this.

Right now I am getting this error in cloudwatch

{ "notification": { "messageId": "c4633f78-313d-58cc-a1d1-648dd676304c", "timestamp": "2022-11-21 20:52:27.529" }, "delivery": { "phoneCarrier": "AT&T Mobility", "mnc": 180, "numberOfMessageParts": 1, "destination": "+19543471228", "priceInUSD": 0.00831, "smsType": "Transactional", "mcc": 311, "providerResponse": "Phone carrier has blocked this message", "dwellTimeMs": 27, "dwellTimeMsUntilDeviceAck": 981 }, "status": "FAILURE" }

and it is happening for most of the phone numbers.

What type of messages do you plan to send?: Transactional

Which AWS Region will you be sending messages from?: US East (N. Virginia)

Which countries do you plan to send messages to?: US

1 Answer

Hello User,

I think you should delete/mask your sensible Information like the destination in your errormessage, since this is a public forum.

Regarding the problem, I recherched a bit but could not find a real solution, the best thing you could probably do is open an aws-supportcase :)

Also check out this kb-article:

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answered 2 years ago

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