Unable to update the email address of a AWS Account under AWS Organizations


Hi, I have created a new organization unit(OU) and created a AWS Account within this OU, the AWS Account email is not working so I want to update the email with other one but I have not found any option for updating the email ID for an AWS Account. Please do needful

asked 2 years ago2892 views
2 Answers

You can update the email address on an Organizations-created account by logging in as the root user (to that account); see https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/change-email-address/ and https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/manage-account-payment.html

However, before you can log in to an Organizations-created account you will need to reset the root password, because Organizations sets it to a randomised one and then discards it. This may be a problem if you cannot receive email at the address used for the account. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/troubleshoot-aws-sign-in.html#troubleshoot_general_lost-root-creds for some options.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

You can update an account's email address by logging into that account's console. Even then you may find the old email address is still shown under Organizations - annoying, but doesn't have any impact.

answered 2 years ago

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