Is lightsail a total joke or what am I missing?


We've tried 3 different instances of Lightsail for our website and it crashes all the time. We were on a shared hosting environment for years and no issues. I thought this would be an "upgrade" but alas... every couple of hours our website is not available. Why? the latest.. "couldn't connect to the database". This is a simple wordpress site. Nothing major at all. Barely ANY traffic.

It's literally been less than a week and we've been down more than up.

What am I missing?

We have : 2 GB RAM, 1 vCPU, 60 GB SSD

Tell me you have a website working without issues please. We pay a lot for advertising and this has been a joke and total waste.

PS. Before you tell us to upgrade to EC2 think about it. PPS. It never crashed before on a "very" shared web hosting environment. I think it's infrastructure.

asked a year ago285 views
2 Answers


If there was something wrong with the infrastructure than there will be an alert in your personal health dashboard along with an email to the user on the account.

I suggest you check out your metrics in CloudWatch (CPUUtilization/NetIn/Out) as an EC2-Instance/Lightsail with the specs you are using is unlikely going to cut it for a website with even a decent amount traffic.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

Database connection errors in WordPress can be due to reasons like corrupted database or plugins. Checkout this post on debugging issues with WordPress database: . I would also recommend reviewing the installed plugins. Check if disabling all plugins solves the issue. Then enable them one by one to see if a particular plugin is causing the issue.

answered a year ago

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