How to delete jobs?


I can't delete jobs and can't cancel jobs even as root user. How can I delete jobs?

When I tried to delete a job, the error message said:
The action failed because the input is not valid. Account xxxxxxx is not whitelisted for namespace id feature.
When I tried FORC DELETE with Job ID,
I tried to delete jobs as root user. The result was the same.

When I tried to force cancel, the error message said:
The action failed because the input is not valid. Job 0072c3bf-2348-4959-b574-5e3aa124d229 in status CANCELED cannot be canceled.

How can I delete jobs? Could anyone help me?

Everytime I issue to deploy to greengrass core group as new revision, IoT device management creates jobs. Now I have 34 jobs as 35 revisions. So when I added a new core device to the ggc group, 34 jobs are rolled out even though I need just one to roll out.

asked 3 years ago725 views
2 Answers

Have same problem, not able to delete jobs and remove deployments with greengrass2.

answered 3 years ago

Hi VivekMistry,
I contacted aws support center. And they confirmed that it is not possible to delete a type of Jobs which were created whenever you deploy new revision to Greengrass Group. They said that they are currently working on to add capability to delete them. But until then, there is no way to delete the Jobs.

About deployment, it is under greengrass instead of IoT device management, but you can't delete any deployment. It is very annoying to see deployments, which are no longer needed, on the screen, but we have to live with it. I share the same pain.
Below link is the answer from Saranya who tells much better with more details about the issue than my explanation.

answered 3 years ago

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