AWS IoT GreenGrass Core Auth Component Strategy


Reading the documentation here:

The policy seems to be applied based on a filter that match thing name: thingName – The name of a client device's AWS IoT thing.

My desired behavior would be to be able to associate Things and Cores within a ThingGroup and use that to apply the Auth policy. My question is:

  1. Is there any way to have the Auth component filter the policy based on categories of any type assigned to the Cores and Things
  2. Is this desire somehow missing the spirit of what the function of the Auth is trying to achieve

Thank you

1 Answer

So I believe you're asking if there is some thingGroup selector, in addition to thingName?

As you saw in the docs, only thingName selector is supported. However, I'll forward your feature request to the team, thanks!

answered 9 months ago

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