AWS Translate Batch job Excel/Spreadsheet -> translate output says only 8 characters translated


AWS batch translate job on excel/spreadsheet will translate only 8 characters. No errors are returned in the details/en.auxiliary-translation-details.json. But the en.<input>.xlsx will have exact data as <input>.xlsx

asked 2 years ago304 views
1 Answer


Thanks for reaching out. I understand that you have a batch translate job where only 8 characters have been translated with no errors shown. In the absence of an error our troubleshooting options at re:Post are limited.

To answer your question, we require details that are non-public information. Please open a support case with AWS using the following link. Please provide the Job ID and auxiliary-translation-details.json so that the Support team can get started with the investigation. The Support team may ask for some additional details as well.

I would recommend checking out this blog in the meantime and double checking if there is anything that may have been missed in the steps for batch translation.

answered 2 years ago

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