Libraries collision in iOS, React Native and AWS Iot


I am trying to developing an iOS App with React Native and with AWSIoT library
When I am trying to run this project, the build is failed duo to 12 duplicate codes in classes For example: ❌ duplicate symbol 'OBJC_IVAR$_SRIOConsumer._unmaskBytes' in ┌─ libAWSIoT.a(AWSSRWebSocket.o) └─ libSocketRocket.a(SRIOConsumer.o)

AWSSRWebSocket include @interface SRIOConsumer and SocketRocket also has @interface SRIOConsumer Do you have any idea how to resolve this issue?

asked 9 months ago359 views
2 Answers


I understand that you are facing issues while building the app because of the duplicate codes in classes. Could you kindly confirm whether SDK [+] is being used with its version?


In order to learn more about the error, feel free to refer to "Instructions on how to integrate with React Native" GitHub article.


Feel free to refer to IOT-IOS samples for more understanding [+]


answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Yes , I am reciveing this error in the build process. I have a native private SDK. this SDK include AWSCore (2.33.4), AWSDynamoDB (2.33.4), AWSIoT (2.33.4). The AWS is in the native code. This code already works in other native project. When I am trying to add this code to React native project it cause to collision with pod in ReactNative ( SocketRocket libreary) It is look like AWS using part of SocketRocket code with renaming to AWS for example : SocketRocket have SRWebSocket class and AWS have AWSSRWebSocket The problem is in 3 spots: SRIOConsumer SRIOConsumerPool SRHTTPResponseErrorKey


Yes , I am reciveing this error in the build process. I have a native private SDK. this SDK include AWSCore (2.33.4), AWSDynamoDB (2.33.4), AWSIoT (2.33.4). The AWS is in the native code. This code already works in other native project. When I am trying to add this code to React native project it cause to collision with pod in ReactNative ( SocketRocket libreary) It is look like AWS using part of SocketRocket code with renaming to AWS for example : SocketRocket have SRWebSocket class and AWS have AWSSRWebSocket The problem is in 3 spots: SRIOConsumer SRIOConsumerPool SRHTTPResponseErrorKey

answered 9 months ago

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