Query on Region-Based Quotas and Impact on SMS Delivery.


Query on Region-Based Quotas, SMS Delivery Impact, and Sender IDs for OTP SMS

Hello AWS Community,

I'm exploring options for sending SMS messages to users in the Philippines and am considering the best AWS region to use for this purpose. Specifically, I'm trying to understand if the selection of the AWS region influences factors such as pricing, delivery reliability, or other important parameters.

If these factors are not significantly impacted by the region choice, I would prefer to use our default AWS region, N. Virginia (us-east-1). Additionally, I am considering adjusting our spending limits and reallocating quotas between regions.

Furthermore, we will also be sending OTP SMS to users in the US/Canada, which requires the use of sender IDs, including long codes or short codes. I would appreciate insights on the implications of these requirements and any recommendations for handling them effectively.

Could you provide insights or recommendations on whether the Asia Pacific (Singapore) region or any other region would be optimal for these activities? Also, any advice on managing spending limits and quotas effectively would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

1 Answer

AWS Region Selection for Sending SMS


SMS pricing varies by destination country and the AWS region from which you send the SMS. You can find the pricing details for different regions on the AWS SNS PricinDelivery Reliability and Latency:

While AWS does not explicitly state differences in delivery reliability based on region, choosing a region closer to your target audience can reduce latency and potentially improve delivery speed.

For users in the Philippines, using the Asia Pacific (Singapore) region may offer lower latency compared to N. Virginia.

Regulatory and Compliance Considerations:

Some regions may have specific regulatory requirements for sending SMS. Ensure that you comply with the local regulations of the Philippines and any other target regions.

Optimal Region for Philippines and US/Canada

Philippines: Asia Pacific (Singapore):

This region is geographically closer to the Philippines, which may provide better delivery performance.

Check the pricing for sending SMS to the Philippines from this region and compare it with your default region.


N. Virginia (us-east-1):

This region is well-suited for sending SMS to users in the US and Canada.

AWS provides good support for long codes and short codes from this region, which is necessary for sending OTP (One-Time Password) SMS.

Managing Spending Limits and Quotas

AWS SNS allows you to set spending limits and manage quotas for SMS. Here are some steps and recommendations:

Adjusting Spending Limits:

You can request an increase in your SMS spending limit through the AWS Support Center. Go to the Support Center and create a new support case.

Reallocating Quotas Between Regions:

Currently, AWS does not support direct reallocation of SMS quotas between regions. Each region has its own quota, and you need to request quota increases separately for each region.

Sender IDs for OTP SMS


Long Codes:

Suitable for low-volume messaging and two-way communication.

Provisioning can be quicker but may be subject to carrier filtering.

Short Codes:

Ideal for high-volume messaging and are generally more reliable for OTP and marketing messages. Require longer provisioning times and approval from carriers but offer better deliverability and throughput. Philippines:

Sender IDs:

Custom sender IDs may be used, but availability and regulations can vary. Ensure compliance with local regulations regarding sender identification. Recommendations

Use Multiple Regions:

For optimal performance and compliance, consider using Asia Pacific (Singapore) for users in the Philippines and N. Virginia (us-east-1) for users in the US/Canada.

Monitor Usage and Costs:

Use CloudWatch to monitor your SMS usage and set up alerts to notify you when you approach your spending limits.

Optimize Sender ID Strategy:

For the US/Canada, use short codes for high-volume OTP messages and long codes for lower-volume or two-way communications.

For the Philippines, verify the availability and regulations for custom sender IDs to ensure compliance and effectiveness.g page.

answered 17 days ago

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