AMI export stuck at 28%, recover a snapshot in error status



Yesterday I launched an export of an AMI from CloudShell, with this command:

aws ec2 export-image --image-id ami-x --disk-image-format VMDK --s3-export-location S3Bucket=x,S3Prefix=x/

The process has been stuck at 28% for more than 15 hours. Before this export I made another one with another larger AMI, and it was exported in less than an hour.

The AMI is old (from 2011), x86_64 architecture, paravirtual.

One of the block devices references a snapshot with "Snapshot status" = "Error" (but "Progress" = "Available (100%)"), I assume this is the cause of the problem. If that were the case, is there any way to recover that snapshot?

Thank you.

asked a month ago89 views
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