Permissions error message displayed when attempting to close my AWS Account, as the Root User


Why am I getting the "You Need Permissions" error message when trying to close my AWS account as the Root User? I have removed all member accounts as instructed and the Root User has access to the billing information.

The message is as follows: You Need Permissions You don't have permission to access billing information for this account. Contact your AWS administrator if you need help. If you are an AWS administrator, you can provide permissions for your users or groups by making sure that (1) this account allows IAM and federated users to access billing information and (2) you have the required IAM permissions.

asked a year ago326 views
1 Answer

Hello there,

The Payer account of your organization may have setup a Security Control policy denying all attempts to close a linked account - even using Root user.

Please contact the administrator of your payer account and ask for closing your linked account using the OrganizationAccessRole or to remove the SCP for your account.

You can see the details here : that prevents the account closure.

hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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