Streaming events from Kinesis Data Stream in account A to Kinesis Data Firehose in account B


Hello all,

I have a Kinesis Data Stream in account A, and I need to stream the events from it to Kinesis Firehose in account B. From what I see, there is no direct integration (even using IAM roles with assume role policy).

Is it possible to use EventBridge pipes to do the following:

KDS (Account A) -> EventBridge pipe (Account A) -> KFS (Account B)


  1. Account A can not directly write to targets in Account B.
  2. Lambda might be to costly
  3. Can EventBridge Pipes be used here?
2 Answers


As you have observed, it's not possible to set a Kinesis Delivery Stream to consume from a Kinesis Data Stream in a different account. I believe a similar constraint would prevent the Event Bridge Pipes method.

To keep the serverless approach, you can use AWS Lambda to consume and process from the data stream, as native integration is provided that handles polling, checkpointing etc. You may find this blog useful -

There is also the option to deploy the Kinesis Data Firehose in Account A and deliver to a target in Account B, for an example walkthrough of this, see

Hope that helps!

Greg K
answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago


Yes, there is no direct integration, but, couple of things can be done - write a lambda function in Account A listening for updates on the Stream and then write to Firehose in Account B (via cross account assume role). OR If Account A can directly write to Account B S3 bucket (if that is the end goal) then that is also simpler.

You may also want to check this link for more insights -

answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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