Redshift and Quicksight for Spatial Data


Requirement: Store geospatial data in Redshift and use Quicksight, allowing users to select various data layers for visualization on a base map.

Question 1: Is Redshift the optimal solution for storing geospatial data for analytics, or should we consider PostgreSQL with PostGIS instead? What limitations might we encounter with Redshift for this purpose?

Question 2: Does Quicksight support the functionality to select and visualize different data layers on a base map?

asked 23 days ago371 views
1 Answer

Question 1: Is Redshift the optimal solution for storing geospatial data for analytics, or should we consider PostgreSQL with PostGIS instead? What limitations might we encounter with Redshift for this purpose?

-> You can store geospatial data in Redshift using GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY data types.

The considerations for storing spatial data for Redshift are mentioned here ->

For any advice related to choosing between multiple technologies for your use-case, I would request you to check with AWS solutions architect team as they are equipped to guide better on such inquiries .

Question 2: Does QuickSight support the functionality to select and visualize different data layers on a base map?

->For details around what QuickSight base maps support, I would request you to review the documentation available here -> and .

answered 19 days ago

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