Job Document - Substitute Software Package Version Attribute into a presigned URL


I am looking to use software packages for firmware releases. Currently my team uses downloads firmware from a presigned url which is part of the job document:

  "operation": "fw_update",
  "esp32": {
    "url": "${aws:iot:s3-presigned-url:",

How do I update this to get the path from the verion's attribute? I was thinking something like this? Also pointers to documentation on nested substitution or another workaround would be appreciated.

  "operation": "fw_update",
  "esp32": {
    "url": "${aws:iot:s3-presigned-url:${aws:iot:package:myPackage:version:12345:attributes:esp32_binary}}",
asked a month ago136 views
1 Answer

Hello, this is a known bug and the team is actively fixing it. We are also working on improving the overall experience of using Software Package Catalog and Jobs together. Stay tuned!

answered 20 days ago
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reviewed 17 days ago

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