AWS IVS - How to retrive viewers count?


How to fetch the viewer count of a channel or a stream, Is there any API available?

asked 7 months ago285 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

One way to retrieve viewer count for a channel is by using the GetStream command. Keep in mind API service quotas when using this approach. Another option would be to manually track viewers in your application.

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answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • amazon-ivs-react-native-broadcast is the library used to broadcast. Is there any option in this package to retrieve the view count

  • There is no way to retrieve the viewer count via the broadcast SDK. You will need to use the AWS SDK as mentioned above, or manually track viewers in a back end application.


Amazon IVS channels can be monitored through Amazon CloudWatch. See info on IVS Monitoring here:

Here is a link to the IVS API

Also note there are several Player SDKs that can be incorporated into a player app.

answered 7 months ago

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