Data Transfer Charges with TGW and Direct Connect in different Account


Who is responsible for data transfer OUT charges when the transfer is originated by a VPC in one account, and that data passes through a Transit Gateway in another account on its way out through a Direct Connect (DX and TGW owned by the same account)?

Does the price differ by Region?

asked 5 months ago228 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The account that holds the VPC sending the traffic to the DX will pay the data transfer out charges. The change for this fee was historically paid by the account that owned the DX. If the traffic first routes through a firewall or IPS in a transit VPC before going out, then that account would be the sender and pay the data transfer out fee.

Additionally Data transfer charges will vary by region. The full lust of charges can be found here.

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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