ACM generated certificate - private CA?



I am able to create a new certificate through ACM. It is DNS validated. But certificate is not yet in use.

Looking at the Brouwer messages - This root CA is not trusted . To enable Trust, instal this certificate in Trusted Root Certificate Authorities store

Does it require a private CA which is prohibitively expensive.

Please advise

  • Hello, could you please clarify what type application you're working on ? (Web application, etc...) and what is the ACM integration you're using ? (ELB, Cloudfront, API Gateway, etc...). Thanks.

asked 2 years ago475 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi, ACM certificates can be used only within AWS listed services listed on this page:

For example, if you want to use this certificate for a website, you can publish your website via CloudFront or and Application Load Balancer, this means you offload https to these services. Your web server does not need to be public.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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