PHPMailer not working on Bitnami Lightsail instance running Wordpress


I'm running Wordpress on a Bitnami Lightsail instance.

I've opened all TCP & UDP ports (for troubleshooting purposes) and am receiving errors when trying to use PHPMailer with any mail plugin.

Any help appreciated. I've pasted my error log below:

WordPress: 6.3.1
WordPress MS: No
PHP: 8.2.10
WP Mail SMTP: 3.9.0

Mailer: mail
Constants: No

PHP.mail(): Yes

PHPMailer Debug:
Could not instantiate mail function.

Email Source: WP Mail SMTP
Mailer: Default (none)
PHPMailer was able to connect to SMTP server but failed while trying to send an email.
asked 8 months ago317 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

See SMTP (port 25) outgoing connections blocked. TLDR; You need to either get approval to send mail from an instance or use Simple Email Service.

profile pictureAWS
answered 8 months ago
profile picture
reviewed 8 months ago
  • Thank you for your help!

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