Code 2 Error - Trying to install Greengrass Core on Raspberry 4B via device setup script


Everything works fine until the reboot of the raspberry. When restarting the script as instructed under #4 (see it runs into the following error:

/* last log lines before error*/ [GreengrassDeviceSetup] Validating the device environment... [GreengrassDeviceSetup] Validation of the device environment is complete. [GreengrassDeviceSetup] Running the Greengrass environment setup... /* ERROR */ Code 2, Message: GreengrassDeviceSetup cannot continue: Greengrass containers are not supported on this platform.

So far solution approaches:

  1. Unfortunately the troubleshooting advice ( does not help either. The log files do not show any errors but end abruptly.

  2. I double-checked the platform with "lscpu" which says "armv7l" I also checked the Linux version with cat /etc/os-release to be "Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"

  3. In several tryouts the Raspi has been flashed with the Full-Desktop-Raspberry OS and alternatively the Lite version without success. I even ran the whole script not only in sudo but in root-user mode.

Any help and ideas are highly appreciated.

All the best.

asked 2 years ago118 views
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